Projects / Github

All my github projects  

Twitter Archive Eraser (status: finished)

A .NET (C# & WPF) application for bulk tweets deletion using the Twitter archive. Allows the removal of any tweet from the user's archive.
 code on github | how to use + download ]

Quadratic Sieve (status: finished)

A distributed implementation (with MPI) of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm for factoring relatively large RSA integers in C.
 code on github | performance info ].

Quadratic Sieve C++ (status: in progress)

A parallel implementation (with OpenMp) of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm for factoring relatively large RSA integers in C++. 

Padding Oracle Attack (status: finished)

An implementation of a Padding Oracle attack in C# developed for the crypto I class from coursera. The code can be used to test CBC Oracle attacks by extending a simple interface of the Oracle's response and all the probing can be carried out using this project.

OCaml Maze (status: finished)

A simple OCaml code showing how to solve graphically a maze with square or a hexagon shape.

Huffman Compression in OCaml (status: finished)

A program illustrates how to use the Huffman static and dynamic methods to compress/uncompress files using OCaml.

Windows Phone (status: offline)

Beta SMS
A Windows Phone app that facilitates sending very cheap short text messages internationally by using web SMS or VoIP providers.
Link: | Talking about: ]
LeParisien newsreader
[ Link:]
NYTimes newsreader
[ Link:]

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