Archive for December 2011

Factoring Integers: Part 1 - Pollard's rho Method

I'll be developing a program for factoring numbers (especially RSA numbers), the goal is to have a parallel quadratic sieve program running on GPUs (using CUDA or OpenCL) to factorize RSA numbers.

I have just started playing around GMP so I implemented a naive version (in C) of the Pollard's rho factoring method, it uses the optimisation technique proposed by Pollard and Brent, however it doesn't check for cases that may cause the algorithm to fail.

In order to compile this program, you need to have GMP installed.
You can invoke the program with ./pollard-rho NUMBER or ./pollard-rho p q where the number to factorize is p*q.

Compile : gcc pollard-rho.c -o pollard-rho -lgmp -lm

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