NYTimes Newsreader and LeParisien Journal for #WP7

I've developped lately two new Windows Phone apps which are newsreaders based on RSS for the New York Times newspaper and LeParisien.fr Journal.

The two apps come in two versions,a free version which is ad-powered and a paid version which is ad-free. Following is a brief description and download links for the two apps.

NY Times Newsreader :

Read the NY Times newspaper directly on your Windows Phone device.

The NYTimes Newsreader gives you access to all the major sections of the NY Times newspaper organized in categories for easy and fast navigation with full articles view using the NYTimes' RSS feature.

- Browse news by categories (7 categories and more than 40 sections)
- Front page news
- Articles thumbnails
- Share articles by email and SMS
- Favorite your articles to read them later
- Read full articles directly from NYTimes Newsreader

- World
- Op-Extra (Opinion, Columnists, Editorials, Magazine ...)
- Technology
- Science
- Sports
- Arts
- Business


Download (FREE version)

LeParisien :
Suivez toute l'actualité française et internationale avec LeParisien.fr Journal sur votre Windows Phone

Accédez à l’intégralité des articles de leParisien.fr classés par rubrique (5 rubriques et plus de 30 catégories)

> Sauvegardez vos articles favoris pour une consultation ultérieure
> Partagez l’information avec vos amis via Email ou SMS

Accédez en un clic aux dernières news :
- L'info du Parisien
* Politique
* International
* Faits divers
* Economie
* Société
* Loisirs et spectacles
* Médias et people
* Automobile


Download (FREE version)

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