How to bypass the google's local country domain redirections

As you may all know Google returns differents search results according the domain you are performing the query from. ".com", ".fr", ".ch" or others.

For me as for a lot of you, the ".com" is the most suitable one (maybe you also saw the difference in the bing USA and the other domains).

The problem is that whenever you request the url you are directly redirected to the local domain of your country. that really bother me so I decided to ask for it... and guess where, on the yahoo answers :) here

After a short time I've recieved 3 answers, logic ones but just one was perfect :

  1. the first one suggested that I leave france (true but difficult to do just for the .com domain XD)
  2. google "" in the domain then be redirected there... well not really true because it will redirect you to the fr domain after all
  3. the third one and the one suggest that I navigate to the and it's done.
The ncr in "" stands for No Country Redirect and it maps you to the .com domain directly, what is good about it is that you have to visit it just one to be redirected everytime to the .com domain, without having to enter ncr each time.

so just go here once and your trouble are done!

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